Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Samsung to supply Apple with screens for new iPad

Before you get all ‘Take that, fanboys’ about this story, let’s first clarify the deal here. Samsung Electronics is going to be supplying screens for Apple's new iPad. Why? Because, LG and Sharp weren’t able to meet Apple’s quality check requirements for their screens; and so it’s good ol’ Samsung that’s dealing with screens for the iPad. Err, so no surprise here, which means you can continue with your taunts and digs and fist pumps at those fanboys. As reported by Bloomberg Businessweek, a senior manager at iSuppli confirmed this news mentioning that Samsung is currently the world’s best top flat-panel maker and is the only seller for the 9.7-inch display that the new iPad requires. 
Make screens not war
Make screens not war

Even though the two are embroiled in patent wars and lawsuits, it seems that this deal will further only strengthen their partnership, as far as hardware parts are concerned. For those not in the know, we’ll remind you that Apple’s new iPad consists of a Retina display with a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels. Nobody from the four companies that we are talking about here commented or shed light on this topic. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that in the recent past Samsung has been supplying quite a few chips to Apple for their iDevices, so this doesn’t really come as a BIG surprise. 

Jakhanwal, the senior manager at iSupplie mentioned in an e-mail that, “The display specifications on the new iPad are very demanding in terms of the very high resolution, achieving this high resolution without compromising on the power consumption and brightness and maintaining Apple’s quality standards are supposedly proving to be a challenge for LG Display and Sharp.” So, it’s Samsung delivering the goods here. 

Now for the serious talk, though Samsung has been one of the top hardware manufacturers, what Apple clearly wins over at, is the ecosystem. Right from the launch of the device, to ensuring it gets all the attention it deserves, to not launching another flagship product of the same category that particular year, to garnering the right amount of support and care it requires, Apple knows better than Samsung on how to take care of its users and products. Something Samsung could definitely learn. And err, to get into the scheme of this story, a lot Apple could learn from Samsung, including manufacturing screens. Over to you guys.

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Thanku :D